Porcelain Dinner Set for Selling

One of the most important parts of buying a dowry and also the most important device that fits on the shelf of any kitchen is the porcelain dinner set . From time immemorial, porcelain service and the color, glaze and design used in it, increase our appetite for hot and hearty food.

Perhaps the first thing that catches your attention before serving is the home-made porcelain service, which has been purchased with his taste and interest. But it is not bad to know that buying a quality porcelain service requires carefulness in your choice. In this report, you will read some key points about buying Chinese service.

Porcelain Dinner Set for Selling

Are Porcelain Plates Good Quality?

Are Porcelain Plates Good Quality? When buying white porcelain plates, make sure you are looking for a multi-person service? 6 people, 12 people or 18 people? If the number of porcelain pieces is more, there is no reason for the service to be expensive, because one tablespoon is equal to one piece or piece of soup bowl, and a pair of it is considered a piece of service. 6 people seems to be enough.

The selection of porcelain dish set is done according to the type of reception. For example, for formal occasions and entertaining special guests and stimulating their appetite, porcelain with classic colors and patterns are a good option, but if you buy porcelain service for your daily use, throw your heart into the sea and make porcelain with cheerful colors. use. The second principle that is important for choosing a Chinese service is its quality, which is very valuable to pay attention to.

The quality of the dishes can be measured in cases such as its resistance, lightness of dishes, porcelain transparency, impact resistance, body resistance and glaze against lip filling and scratches, usability in ovens and microwave ovens, stability The design and role of dishes against washing in the dishwasher, etc. were mentioned.

Porcelain dishes that are of high quality, have a light weight and at the same time are strong, do not crack in the face of heat shocks, their glaze and color do not disappear, if we put it in front of light, the light Passes by itself .

The third principle for choosing a Chinese service is its health. The hygiene of dishes means that it does not pose a risk to human health, p. Porcelain dishes are among the items that have a high level of hygiene, but sometimes imported dishes or decorative designs that use heavy metals for more beauty and shine are not hygienic and are harmful to humans.

Should I Get White or Colored Plates?

Should I Get White or Colored Plates?

  1. Good porcelain should be light, with high resistance to shocks and heat shocks, transparency and translucency, the design and pattern remain stable after washing, can be used in the microwave and hygienic. Also pay attention to the dishes. For example, some stews do not have the necessary depth to serve the stew or soup, and because of their curvature, the stew or soup may overflow. So it is very important for the stew to be hollow in the Chinese service.

Also, the simple design and role of Chinese service is always lasting and will not disappoint you after a while. So try to choose china with simple forms and patterns that will not break your heart for a while after use.

Porcelain Dinner Set to Buy

Porcelain Dinner Set to Buy Today, Iranian porcelain factories, along with foreign countries, are producing high-quality and unique containers with designs and roles in accordance with Iranian standards, and you can aim at two badges by buying Iranian porcelain service with one arrow. Buy quality white porcelain dishes and Chinese service at a reasonable price and support national production. This collection has also been able to offer excellent quality and reasonable prices along with the most diverse designs and roles to you dear ones.

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